Hermitage Can Wait

When CNN wrote of the pending eviction of Mauro Mirandi from the uninhabited Mediterranean Island he called home for 30 years, our hearts went out. NBN has always pondered a Walden Pondesque existence unencumbered by all the possessions and responsibilities that come with the consumer culture. But then again, such existence pretty much precludes the prospect of having a family: the universal yard stick when it comes to measuring how good a life we’ve led.

In our learned opinion, ambition as manifest by Makin’ Mo. Money is not all it’s cracked up to be. Real life, liberty and pursuit of happiness is not measured by the car you drive, the house you own and what college your kids get into, despite the avalanche of marketing saying it is. In NBN’s assessment the ones who really make the most of life are the one who leave this world a better place than they found it, and that too, has been a big part of American culture the American family and the American Dream.

While this country has enjoyed historically unparalleled wealth, we’ve also helped so many other countries improve the lives of their citizens. So, we guess NBN will have to forgo the hermitage and keep writing News by Nature for at least a few more years.